I Found a Great Apartment in Asheville
I was not sure what to do at first when the owner of the house that I had been renting told me that he wanted to sell the house. He was extremely nice about it and offered me the first chance to purchase it, but I was just not wanting that much responsibility in my life just then. I wanted to pay rent on a monthly basis so I could move easily if I decided I wanted something else. I began looking at luxury apartments in Asheville NC the same day he told me even though he said I could have up to six months to move before he put the house on the market.
While I did appreciate that, I would much rather move when the weather is nice rather than in the middle of winter. I figured it could take me a while to find something that I really liked too, but that turned out to not be the case. I found a really nice apartment complex that same day, which I guess should not have surprised me as much as it did because I have seen some really nice complexes when I drive around the city for one thing or another.
The neat thing about this particular apartment complex is that I was able to get a great discount because I found it during a time when they were having a promotional period, so I was able to take advantage of that. I was happy when I saw everything that is included with the apartment, including community amenities like a social gathering spot, a huge swimming pool that is maintained regularly, and a fitness center that is probably nicer than the small gym I belonged to before moving to this complex. I am just so happy that I found it, and I ended up moving within a week of finding it.