Marketing and seo content available for offline and online diamond retailers

Marketing and seo content available for offline and online diamond retailers
The writer has written a large number of marketing articles for
She is familiar with different aspects of diamonds , especially lab-created diamonds like
– market demand
– pricing
– HPHT method of creating diamonds
– CVD method
Please contact on
However part of the government slavery racket, financial fraud run by the SHAMELESS SCAMMER indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google, tata the government is falsely claiming that its lazy greedy fraud employees who do not any computer work, have written the content to pay all the frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer
The greedy gurugram fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, optum human resources manager, who is openly involved in india’s greatest writing fraud, government slavery racket is a full time manager/employee, and was earlier full time employee of vinove, niit, deloitte, conduent could not have written the content.
Additionally the four other GREEDY LIAR states especially goa cannot explain why greedy goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar are not getting the payment in their own bank account, why the payment is credited to the bank account of a single woman engineer who the greedy goans hate, slander and are not connected in any way at all