Author: jlpl

We Got a Great Apartment in Tallahassee That Does Not Strain Our Housing Budget

I never cared about driving a used car even if it didn’t look so great. As long as it got me where I was going, that was fine with me. I was never one to need to be buying the latest fashions or the coolest gadgets either. I preferred to put the money away toward the goal of retiring early. My wife is like that too. We are frugal but not misers. We do insist on having a nice place to live, and moving for a new job had us looking for nice apartments in Tallahassee. We discovered Tally Square. Our apartment looks really good, and the rent is right where our budget is for housing.

The property is kept really nice. When we were shown the apartment, we were surprised at how clean it was. Read More

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My Brother Liked the One Bedroom Apartment So Much at City View Park That He is Upgrading

My brother rented an apartment a few weeks ago, and my wife and I finally made it over to visit him. We knew he was doing good with his job, but my brother has lived in some really junky apartments. We were shocked at his new place. It was the complete opposite of what we were used to seeing with him. He got a place at City Park View apartments. He said he had been looking online for South Tryon apartments in Charlotte NC when he discovered their website. He said he went and toured the place and decided to go ahead and lease a one bedroom apartment for a year.

I have never seen him happier. He makes full use of the fitness center, and the interior of his apartment is beautiful. He bought all new furniture and really put a lot of effort into decorating the place. Each piece he has out in his apartment is personal. He didn’t just run through a furniture store and pick things. Read More

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Our Neighborhood Changed So We Moved to a Better Place

We had been renting a small house in a suburb. The place was owned by the grandson of a woman who had passed away and left it to him. The whole street was made up of homes that were now rented out that were once occupied by the residents who built the homes. Without the investment in the land that the original owners had, the area went downhill fast. Renters were coming and going, and bad stuff started happening on our once quiet street. I asked my wife if she would start looking for apartments in North Dallas that were nice and affordable.

I was talking to an original homeowner on the street. He and his wife were the only ones remaining. They said they were worried when we moved in years ago that we would be trouble. We never were, but a few of the new neighbors are. Not many, just enough to ruin our little community. Read More

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She is Moving in with Me Soon

When I proposed to my girlfriend, I told her that I wanted a long engagement. The main reason for this is because I wanted to make sure I saved enough money to give us a good start in life together. She was on board with this, and we opened up a joint account even though we were not living together yet. We stayed engaged for two years, and we are planning on getting married in two months now. The last thing we had to do was look at luxury apartments in Atlanta because we both knew we wanted to live somewhere really nice.

We looked at a few places, but we both knew we were going to go with our first choice, which is The Encore Apartments. Read More

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Living a Life of Compromise Benefits Two People in a Relationship

When I joined an online dating site, I had hope that I might meet someone great. However, I didn’t have all that much faith that I would. Yet, I met someone fantastic and we’re now married after one and half years of dating. We moved into a nice place with luxury apartments in Atlanta just a couple of months ago, and it has been really interesting to learn how to live life as a married person. I love every bit of it, but having never lived with someone who isn’t a family member has been interesting!

I am someone who has always been overly neat. I used to drive my mom nuts because, not only did I obsessively clean my own room a lot when I lived at home, I often moved around and organized her things often, too. Though, for the most part, mom was pretty happy with it because she worked a lot and me cleaning often was a big help to her. Read More

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Must Keep the Meat Nice and Cool

Hiring a commercial hvac in NYC is a must when you are in the food services industry. I run a boutique butcher’s shop in the city and I can’t tell you how awful it was to lose about twenty thousand dollars in speciality cuts of meat when our freezer malfunctioned. That was a painful lesson I learned that day and I meant to never repeat it again. I took most of the hit on that disaster too because my insurance company refused to cover the expense due to the fact that I hadn’t kept up on hvac inspections.

The thing about being a butcher is that it is far more complicated than most people realize. They think you stand behind a counter cutting up meat and putting them into packages. Maybe you ring up people and chit chat. Read More

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You Can’t Have a Leaking Roof in a Shop

I got right to finding roof installation in Brooklyn NY when what I feared finally happened. What did I fear? A week of rain storms. I knew the roof on my shop leaked, but I thought I could patch it myself and put off the inevitable repairs until a better time. Of course the weather thought differently and once it started raining every day for a week, that leak turned into a steady flow of water into my produce shop. It’s funny but people don’t want to buy produce in a store where the floor is constantly slick with water.

I knew I needed to get the problem fixed and quickly. Running mops over the floor did little to hide the problem and I didn’t want to lose my customers because of something that could be easily fixed. I found a company with almost forty years of experience fixing flat top roofs and made the call. Read More

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Bed Bugs Are the Absolute Worst

I knew we needed bed bug removal services when my wife and I thought we saw some evidence of them while rearranging our furniture in the bedroom. You would think we would have noticed the bites that we were waking up with in the morning might have been related to bed bugs, but we both thought maybe we had mosquito bites or a rash. We were wrong. I could see some spots on the bed frame that made me very suspicious that we had a big problem that wouldn’t have easy answers. Getting rid of these things can be almost impossible.

Of course we tried every store bought product and homemade remedy we could find on the internet, but I really wanted a professional opinion and a professional solution. We both knew we wouldn’t be able to sleep well until we confirmed our suspicions and had them eradicated with extreme prejudice. That’s why we called in a professional pest control company and had them send someone to the house. If this was indeed bed bugs, we wanted the strongest possible solution. And we were willing to pay whatever it cost to take care of the problem.

The cost, fortunately, wasn’t that bad. The company has dealt with this problem quite a bit in recent years as the city has had enough of a problem that it has made the news. The guy told me you wouldn’t believe what he’s seeeing in some of the hotels around town. He took a look at our bed and confirmed we had a problem. He took care of it, but suggested we chuck the mattress and bed springs and maybe even the frame if we could afford it. Apparently that is part of the process. You need to get rid of everything including the sheets!

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The Truth Caught on Snapchat

There was something funny going on with one of my relatives. He was always no where to be found and hard to contact. He would never tell us where he worked whenever we asked him. I joked around with one of my cousins that we should learn how to hack a Snapchat account and find out what he’s always up to, but he took it seriously and used a program to do it. I was so scared that our relative would find out what we had done, but there was no indication that he had any idea. What we found from the hack would change every thought we ever had about our relative. He seemed like such a regular guy, despite being secretive, but now we know the truth.

We found out that our relative was part of an illegal crime ring that had been operating in the city for many years. Read More

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What Exactly is an IG Hack?

I came across the strangest thing while browsing the internet today. There is something out there called and IG hack. I had no idea what it was. Upon further investigation, I found it is an Instagram hack. I had no idea there was such a thing. Let me tell you what it is. There is a website out there that will help you hack into any Instagram account for you. And believe it or not, this service is supposedly free. They have hacked into some high profile accounts. I found this to be very interesting.

They go on to explain that the hack is web based so there is no need to download anything to use this service. If you choose to use this service, they claim that when an account is hacked it can’t be traced back to you. Read More

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