Author: jlpl

Other Uses for Traditional Science Knowledge

Our son is an excellent writer. He can speak and write in three different languages fluently. He even knows the historical etymologies of many words. He is a language expert understanding it on a deep level. He can communicate with anyone from young children to the experts who visit his school. However, he struggles in physics class. It is not part of his wheelhouse. We helped him by getting him physics tuition to get at least passable grades. It is the only class he struggled with.

Once he met the ultra-dynamic tutor that would help him improve his understanding of physics, he blossomed like a flower waiting to bloom. The opening up of this world of science helped him to write about new topics that he has always wanted to explore but could not because he just did not know enough about it. Read More

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I Am Trying to Do Whatever I Can to Make Sure I Make My Father Proud

My parents always pushed me hard when it came to my schoolwork, and I am okay with that. When my dad died, I promised him that I would graduate from college. I was worried about my physics classes. After talking about it with my mom, she paid for me to get outside help from a physics tuition company. I told her that I feared that I would dishonor dad if I failed the courses. She asked if I wanted to drop them and pursue some other type of degree instead. I told her that I knew I could do it if I just had extra help, but I wasn’t sure about what to do to get that extra help. She was the one who came up with the idea of getting a tutor.

My parents pushed me because they told me early on that it is important that I don’t run into all of the same problems in life that they went through because they didn’t get college degrees. Dad made it through high school, but mom only made it through the eighth grade. Read More

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My Parents Never Knew We Had a Party

The cleaning company I hired through sure ended up saving my bacon. My parents went out of town for a week and of course they made sure to tell me that I was not to have friends over for any sort of party whatsoever. The only person allowed in the condo was my girlfriend, and only during the day. Well, one thing led to another and of course we had a party. I tried to keep the number of people below ten, but more people showed up and the result was quite a messy condo.

My girlfriend and I weren’t worried whatsoever. Nothing got broken, so we figured we had a few days to hang out before we started cleaning up the mess. It shouldn’t take too long with both of us working on the situation. About the time we decided upon waiting for a bit, my parents called with alarming news: they were coming home early and needed me to go pick them up at the airport. Read More

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Going with a Better Foundation

I still can’t believe it, but nearly one year ago, my entire home was swallowed up. It was a normal day like any other day, and suddenly the foundation of the home started sinking. My husband and I grabbed our two kids and ran outside. We watched in awe as the home slowly started sinking down like there was some kind of portal underneath it. Our house had collapsed, from the sinking, and although we were able to salvage some items, we couldn’t salvage the house. We found an apartment to live in at while we thought about whether we wanted another home.

My family and I were still traumatized by the experience, and weren’t really in a financial situation to buy a home, along with all of the furnishings for it, which is why we went with the apartment. For a while, my kids were afraid to go to school because they were worried about the school sinking into the ground like our house did. Something like a sinking house is a pretty rare occurrence where we live, especially when you consider that many of the homes have been there for years without showing any sign of sinking or foundation problems.

After living in the apartments for many months, we came to a decision that we would rather live there than buy a new home. While living in a home is something that we would miss, we all felt more secure being in an apartment complex, where there was less of a chance of the entire building sinking. In a way, the apartment was more of an upgrade to our old home, because it has a more space in each room and a modern look, and there is access to a pool, which the kids love to hop into after they finish their homework.

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So Many Amenities at This Apartment Complex

I was looking forward to moving to Miami, mainly because I was so tired of the northern winters where temperatures can go below zero degrees on a regular basis. I know that Florida can have some cold winter days too, but it is nothing like what New York gets. I knew that I was moving there, but I still had to find an apartment for rent in Miami Beach so I could get everything in motion to make this a reality instead of something I just keep talking about.

I didn’t have a lot of demands for whichever apartment complex I ended up at, but I did want to try and get one that is on the beach. I had only been to the beach twice prior to moving, but I knew that it was something I would love to get to experience every day if possible. Since the ocean is right there, it just made sense to check the beachfront complexes first. That is how I found Treasures on the Bay, which is where I now live. Read More

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I Have Worked Hard to Get to Where I Am Today

When my husband moved us both overseas, I was so happy for the chance to see more of the world. But I soon grew bored each day with no job, I learned the local language thanks to night classes. Then, I took classes so that I could get my real estate license. Because I don’t know a lot of people, I needed to get my name out there as a realtor with flyer distribution. I found a great company that makes high-quality flyers. They have a great turnaround time, and as soon as I receive them, I mail them out to people within a 10-mile radius. Read More

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I Found a Great Apartment in Asheville

I was not sure what to do at first when the owner of the house that I had been renting told me that he wanted to sell the house. He was extremely nice about it and offered me the first chance to purchase it, but I was just not wanting that much responsibility in my life just then. I wanted to pay rent on a monthly basis so I could move easily if I decided I wanted something else. I began looking at luxury apartments in Asheville NC the same day he told me even though he said I could have up to six months to move before he put the house on the market.

While I did appreciate that, I would much rather move when the weather is nice rather than in the middle of winter. I figured it could take me a while to find something that I really liked too, but that turned out to not be the case. Read More

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I Helped a Friend Move

I sort of lucked into this opportunity, not really looking for it. A friend of mine asked me to help this other person move into luxury apartments for Charlotte NC. As it turned out this was a great looking girl, who was probably taking advantage of the fact that he was keen for the hunt. At any rate there were three girls living in this really great apartment and it turned out that I knew one of them. She and I had gone to college together, although I had not really known her too well. The girl that I was dating at the time was her roommate, but she was also really jealous. It got old in a great big hurry, but it lasted long enough so that I never got to know this girl. My friend was really hot when she invited me to stay for supper, of course they barely acknowledged his existence. Read More

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I Feel More at Home Here

I was looking for a specific kind of apartment when I knew that I was relocating to Colorado for work. The one I had been living in was really great for a lot of people, no doubt, but I felt that I was overpaying for things that I just simply did not use. I know some people might enjoy a complex that has two very large swimming pools, a state of the art fitness center, a large dog park, and much more, but I used none of those things. I wanted to look at Colorado Springs apartments that had nice apartments for a reasonable rate without all of the amenities that just make the price skyrocket.

When I first saw Summer Grove, I knew that it was going to be the perfect place for me. The first thing I did was look at the outdoor amenities. Read More

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An Apartment for My Daughter and Myself

Even though it is just my daughter and I, we still needed a three bedroom apartment. We each needed to have our own bedroom and bathroom, but I also needed to have a guest room as well. I was not concerned about having a third bathroom, since I knew that would be hard to come by, but I definitely wanted to have room for my folks when they come to visit us. I looked at a few different apartments before I saw a gorgeous three bedroom and two bath unit at, which is the website for Parkway Square.

Called The Villa, this apartment is over 1200 square feet. Our last apartment was barely over 900 square feet, so this was pretty spacious for the two of us. I looked at the floor plan on their website, because the interior is always the most important to me. My daughter, on the other hand, was most concerned with the community amenities because she is my little social butterfly who loves to stay active. Read More

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